Passkeys Not There…Yet

Passkeys hold a lot of promise in eliminating passwords. They rely on an electronic handshake to allow your device to access a secure website, and many password managers claim to link to passkeys. They’re getting there, but they’re not there yet.

A major hurdle right now is that not all websites recognize the passkeys from password managers. Sometimes, recognition depends on the device. Since most of us have fairly new cell phones, our phones usually have the ability to work with facial recognition, which is a form of a passkey. Older devices may not have the ability to work with this type of technology.

We suspect the move to newer computers – especially as Microsoft ends support for Windows 11 – and the need for better security will speed the drive to make more devices capable of using passkeys.

Why are passkeys secure? They eliminate the need to enter usernames and passwords, both of which are stored on the website you’re trying to access. We know the problems with usernames and passwords: they can be stolen by hackers from the website or your device, they can be forgotten, and we can make them less effective by using simple passwords multiple times so we don’t forget them.

Passkey information is stored on the website and in your device. They are not the same info; they rely on the handshake – sort of like two spies who each know what they need to hear in a phrase. On your device, the most common passkey information is a biometric (facial recognition or fingerprint) or a PIN (personal identification number). Because they are device specific, the system relies on you having your device when you log into the website.

When you combine a passkey with some form of 2FA (two factor authentication), you’re using an access method that has proven reliably secure up to now. Many of the leading password manager programs, such as Dashlane, 1 Password and Bitwarden, can create and store passkeys for you, and both Apple and Android can store their passkeys locally and access them using the keychain app on mobile devices.

Even if you can’t use the passkey with your password manager, you’re still ahead. Remember, with a password manager, you only need to remember a single master password. You can let the password manager generate a long, complex password for each website. That password should be immune from guesses based on any of your personal information.

More websites, too, are using passkeys instead of the username/password duo. As the websites use them more, you will have easier access to more websites, but that comes with a caution. The websites will need to tighten their security, too, to prevent more sophisticated hijackers from getting info from their sites. One of their hacks is to hijack cookies. You can help prevent that by not clicking on “Accept” when the cookie dialog box pops up. Instead, navigate to the “Cookies” or “User Data” sections and choose the shortest available session duration. That way your cookies will expire automatically or whenever you close your browser window.

To expand the conversation about the internet and security, you can apply the same security measures to any device in your office or home that uses the internet or a Wi-Fi network. Printer manufacturers such as HP have created anti-hacking steps, such as entering a PIN, to gain access to the information stored in a printer.

We can help you install and configure password managers and set up effective passkeys and other security measures. Call us – 973-433-6676 – or email us to talk about it.

Time for a Hardware Refresh

Windows 7 is long gone, and Windows 10 is scheduled to leave our technology world in October 2025. If you haven’t installed Windows 11 yet on all your desktops and laptops, now is the time. If your computer cannot accommodate Windows 11, it’s because it lacks a security chip that’s designed to work in the AI (artificial intelligence) environment. The longer you wait, the longer you keep that 244-day window open for someone to hide in your system. Start planning your upgrade now.

One of my secret indulgences is watching shows on air disasters on the Smithsonian Channel. One thing I’ve learned is that many disasters don’t happen because of one thing. Many small things happen over a period of time, and then the disaster happens. It’s no different with your technology systems.

Windows 11 has built-in security systems based on its NPU or Neural Processing Unit. NPUs are optimized for data-driven parallel computing, making them highly efficient at processing massive multimedia data like videos and images and processing data for neural networks. They are particularly adept at handling AI-related tasks, such as speech recognition, background blurring in video calls, and photo or video editing processes like object detection.

Video and photos are a key part of new security measures. We’re familiar with them through facial recognition. But, they require massive amounts of data and encryption to be effective. For securing NPUs, a key performance challenge is in the encryption and integrity protection for external memory. NPUs will be able to handle AI applications, from voice recognition in virtual assistants to real-time language translation and facial recognition. Facial recognition is a rapidly growing security feature that you probably use a lot to replace entering passwords when using your cell phone. Newer, higher-end cell phones have NPUs.

The bottom line for security is that the better your computer can verify a face or a voice, the more confident you can be with security. Facial recognition is widely used in 2FA (two-factor authentication), which you, your employees, and your family members should be using for every website that offers it. All of this keeps that 244-day clock from starting by preventing an intrusion.

For business applications, the speed of NPUs is just as important as security. With Windows 11, your business will be able to process more data faster – and more securely – because the software will be able to send smaller packets of data through the internet and have them reassembled at cloud servers. That aids encryption, which helps security. You can’t have it without Windows 11.

Oh, and one more thing. When old, slow Windows 10 goes away, so will all those bug fixes and security patches from Microsoft. You will be easier prey for the bad actors who will use your system to tunnel into other, larger systems and just wait there – for 244 days or whenever – to make a huge cyberattack with a big haul.

If you haven’t made the switch to Windows 11, we urge you to do it now. If you need to buy new computers to run Windows 11, don’t wait until October 2025 or even 244 days from now. Start the hardware refresh process now. We can install and configure Windows 11 to maximize its benefits for you. If you need new computers, we can help you select the ones that best meet your needs and transfer all your data and reinstall your apps. Call us – 973-433-6676 – or email us to talk about it.

A Tip to Speedup OneDrive

For the most part, the cloud is a safe place to store your files, but we have clients who prefer to have the files they’re working on stored on their hard drives. OneDrive is good for up to 150,000 files, but it can take longer than we like to retrieve files after you blast through that storage level. Here’s a tip to speedup retrieval: Use the Add Shortcut to OneDrive.

The Add Shortcut to OneDrive option does not sync anything to your computer; it just creates a link or bookmark to the document library or folder in your OneDrive for Business. This way, you can access the content from any device using the OneDrive app or website. You can also share the content with others more easily using OneDrive. However, you need to have an internet connection to access the content, and you cannot work offline.

The Sync option syncs the entire document library or folder to your computer using the OneDrive sync app. This way, you can access the content from your File Explorer or Finder, and you can work offline. Any changes you make will be synced automatically when you go online.

Just be aware that synching large libraries or folders can take up a lot of storage space on your computer and affect performance.

Microsoft recommends using the “Add Shortcut to OneDrive” option over the “Sync” option in certain scenarios. They include:

  • The document library contains a large number of files that would take up too much space on your computer’s hard drive.
  • You need to access the files from a device with limited storage space.
  • You need to access the files from a device that is not owned by you.

Just to recap, the “Sync” option downloads the entire document library to your local machine, while the “Add Shortcut to OneDrive” option adds a shortcut to the library to your OneDrive folder on your local machine. The option you choose depends on your specific needs and circumstances.

If you’re synching all your data now and want to set up the OneDrive shortcut, talk to us. If you don’t set up the shortcut properly, it could be the technology equivalent of following GPS directions off the road and into a swamp. You risk losing all your data, and that can be more expensive than just trying to fix a computer.

Call us – 973-433-6675 – or email us to set up an appointment to set up your OneDrive shortcut.

Do You Speak ‘Search’?

The New Outlook’s web-based email client has powerful search functions to help you cut through the sheer volume of messages we store and don’t always sort. Taking advantage of them will require you to learn about “search” language, which has its roots in Boolean searches that offer precise options to find information. They use AND to expand a search, OR to introduce options, and NOT to exclude information.

Boolean searches are rooted in an algebraic method developed in the mid-19th century by the English mathematician George Boole. It’s fundamental to modern computing, and today’s database searches are based mainly on Boolean logic, which allows us to specify parameters in detail. If you think of your email inbox as a database, Boolean concepts apply to your searches.

Fortunately, we don’t need to remember our high school or middle school algebra to search our Outlook inboxes. Cheap data storage (it really is cheap even if you balk at paying for it) lets us keep messages for years…and years…and years. We can have hundreds of thousands of messages in one big folder or dozens of subfolders across several email accounts.

In a typical search, you likely type in a statement (the instructions for the search) that consists of the sender’s name, and often you’ll see a list of options that ties the sender to a subject line or specific content. The computing power harnessed by AI presents you with choices based on what your computer thinks you are looking for. It’s not an efficient way to search your emails for specific information. It’s more like using terms like “hot” and “cold” when looking for a hidden object.

Using Boolean terms, you can give your computer more specific instructions. For example, if you have written me emails for advice on antivirus and malware software, you can pinpoint my responses by typing Norman Rosenthal AND antivirus into the search box. You can also type it in this way: Norman Rosenthal +antivirus.

If you’re not sure whether the subject was spelled antivirus or anti-virus, you can type in: Norman Rosenthal AND antivirus OR anti-virus. If we had email exchanges about antivirus software or malware and want to restrict it to just antivirus, you could type in: Norman Rosenthal AND antivirus NOT malware or Norman Rosenthal +antivirus -malware.

That’s essentially how Boolean searches can work in your email boxes, but they’re not the only kind of search you might need. You can use a statement to find all the unread emails in your inbox. Unread emails can cover several days and pile up when you’re especially busy.

Note that the same search techniques and languages apply to searching your Sent Items.

The New Outlook has removed Unread as a category of messages you can click on. But you can still find them by typing this into the search box: isread:no. This will give you a list of unread messages. There is also a prompt for unread messages when you open the search box, but the list may differ from the list generated by the isread:no statement.

With the increase in the use of email, email manageability and security will become more tightly intertwined, especially for offices with multiple people collaborating on servicing the same accounts, clients, or patients. Good practice for subject lines on outgoing emails will help manage searches for your inbox and messages you’ve sent. The subject line may also influence how email spam and security filters handle your email (see Quarantined Messages and Email Security).

We’ve hit the highlights here. Every organization or person has specific email handling needs. Call us – 973-433-6676 – or email us with specific questions about email management. We all have a ton of emails; don’t let them weigh you down.

Better Attachment Options

Attached files are the bane of my existence, and they probably cause you a lot of problems, too. Microsoft’s New Outlook removes your option to drag an attachment to your desktop or a folder and forces you to choose a more specific action. It seems like a pain in the butt, but it could save your butt.

Hackers have long used attachments and links to bogus or dangerous websites to get into your system and compromise your data. Microsoft has added extra steps that seem really stupid at first. But they slow you down and force you to give your actions more forethought.

When you right-click on an attachment, you now see a dropdown menu of five actions you can take:

  • Preview
  • Edit in Browser
  • Edit in Word desktop app
  • Save to OneDrive
  • Download

Preview keeps the attachment in your inbox, but once you see what it is, you can choose any of the options in the dropdown menu directly from the preview.

One of those, Edit in Browser, lets you immediately work on a file as part of a collaborative team, a feature that’s becoming more common in offices because it’s much more efficient than editing a file, saving it with a version designation and resending it to everyone as another email attachment. How many times have you seen four collaborators open, edit, and resend the same version at different times? One of the team members invariably is left to sort through all the copies of the file and put all the changes into a new master document. And equally invariably, an edit is missed, misplaced, or misspelled.

Similarly, saving an attachment in OneDrive allows collaborators to edit it or view the changes without having to go through the process of resending and opening new attachments. With both OneDrive and a file edited in a browser, you only need to send a link. Anyone who opens the file by clicking the link will see the latest version. This is the same process used for Google Docs.

But if it’s better for you, the New Outlook allows you to download the file as you did before and save it to a folder – either on your computer or on your computer and OneDrive – if you have it.

New Outlook’s handling of attachments doesn’t mean it’s safe to open and edit a file no matter how you do it, especially when getting attachments or links to attachments from people you don’t know. As we’ve preached ad nauseam for years, you should closely examine a sender’s email address and other identifying factors. If something doesn’t look right, call the sender at a phone number you know is legitimate or look up a phone number by going to a new browser window and accessing a website independent of the email.

We can guide you through all the ins and outs of handling attachments through the New Outlook based on your personal or organizational needs. Call us – 973—433-6676 – or email us for an appointment.



The 2FA Police

Microsoft is enforcing requirements for 2FA (two-factor authentication) for many of its apps. The good news is that it protects your data better. The bad news is that you must use authenticator codes and messages. It’s time to ensure everyone in your office (or family for home users) is up to speed on using authenticators and other 2FA measures.

Microsoft’s Authenticator App gets downloaded onto your iPhone or Android phone and helps to verify it’s you when you log in to an online account using two-step or two-factor verification. It uses a second step, such as a code sent to your phone, to make it harder for others to break into your account. Two-step verification helps you use your accounts more securely because passwords can be forgotten, stolen, or compromised.

One common way to use the Authenticator app is through 2FA, where one of the factors is your password. After you sign in using your username and password, you can either approve a notification or enter a provided verification code. Options include:

  • Signing in by phone with a version of two-factor verification that lets you sign in without requiring a password. It uses your username and your mobile device with your fingerprint, face, or PIN.
  • Using a code generator for any other accounts that support authenticator apps.
  • Using it with any account that uses 2FA and supports the time-based one-time password (TOTP) standards.

Any organization can require using the Authenticator app to sign in and access its data and documents. Even if your username appears in the app, the account isn’t set up as a verification method until you complete the registration. The entire process can be done more efficiently with a mobile phone that can scan a QR code on a computer screen.

Remember that most authenticator apps still require a password in commercial use, and every user must know their password or risk being locked out. The consequences can be time-consuming and costly – if not fatal. Everyone should write their passwords on a piece of paper and store them in a safe place.

We had a case with a client who used a customized database that was never upgraded for 20 years. A former IT company did the last work on it. Nobody had the password to get into the account housing the database. They suggested calling the programmer, but the programmer had died. Nobody admitted to changing the password at any time. We spent a few hours trying to access the database to no avail. Finally, we called the former IT company, and they had a password for one file.

That was the password that worked, and we were able to perform the necessary work. But we can’t stop thinking about all the time – and money – that was wasted because nobody had a password.

In today’s world of hacking and cybercrime, it will become more and more challenging to try multiple passwords without severe consequences. It’s up to you to ensure that you and key employees have all your necessary passwords and 2FA to protect your data – and to insist that your employees have 2FA set up for their corporate login info.

We can help you ensure you have all the correct authentication and management systems. Call us – 973-433-6676 – or email us to discuss your needs and develop an action plan.