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We’re Traveling in January

We’ll be taking the trip of our lifetime, starting Jan. 10, when we head to South Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius and few other stops on the other side of the world. You won’t lose our support while we’re gone, and we’ll have the chance to see how some of Apple’s new communications technologies are working.

Most of our previous travels have been to places with good communications infrastructures, and that’s always enabled us to plan with some certainty how we can serve your needs. We’re still going to serve your needs; we have Apple’s iOS 18 with the ability to communicate via satellite when no Wi-Fi or cellular service is available.

So, we’ll be able to stay in touch with you and our support resources whether we’re on a game reserve or in a jungle or rain forest.

Just to remind all of you, when we are away, it’s best to call our office – 973-433-6676. We have people trained to get the information we need to serve you best by contacting us or going directly to one of our trusted partners. If need be, we can get in touch with you or resolve your issue remotely.

Because the places we will be visiting are 7 to 9 hours ahead of New Jersey, we will be doing our activities while you’re asleep, and our downtime will be during your waking hours.

If you happen to be traveling to some remote areas of the world and have an iPhone 14 or newer, you’ll be able to take advantage of Apple’s new communications technologies. You should be able to send and receive texts, emojis, and Tapbacks over iMessage and SMS. To connect to a satellite, you will need to be outside with a clear view of the sky and horizon. You can learn a lot more by visiting Apple’s support page for messages via satellite.

In the meantime, we have a month until we leave. If you have some issues that need attention or questions about planning future maintenance or the purchase and configuration/installation of new equipment, let’s take care of it as soon as possible. Call us – 973-433-6676 – or email us to discuss your needs.


