It’s one of those really annoying email problems. You send a message to a group of people, and you get back a message that reads: “Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:” It’s followed by: “The email address you entered couldn’t be found or is invalid.” It may be due to a bad entry in your Outlook or Outlook Web App recipient AutoComplete cache.
Use the steps below to clear the entry from the cache:
- Click New E-mail.
- In the To field, start typing the recipient’s name or email address until the recipient appears in the drop-down list.
- Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select the recipient, and then press the DELETE key.
- Delete and retype the recipient’s address, then try sending it again.
Autofill is one of those conveniences that we all love when it works right. But with many people changing email servers, outdated email addresses can pile up in your cache. For example, we’ve changed our main contact email from to Deleting our old address from Autofill would be a good first step in making sure you’re following the steps correctly.
If you have any questions about clearing your email address cache or any other software applications, we’re more than happy to walk you through the steps. Just call – 973-433-6676 – or email us for help.