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New Outlook has Mixed Benefits

Classic Outlook has aged like a good wine, but Microsoft is pushing more users to the New Outlook for managing emails, contacts and calendars. Some features are gone from the New Outlook, and some are hidden.

Deciding whether to hang in with the Classic Outlook or go to the New version depends on how you use the app. However, keep in mind that Microsoft is like Lola. What Microsoft wants, Microsoft eventually gets – and at some point, they’ll stop supporting Classic Outlook to force everyone into New Outlook.

Microsoft touts a more minimalist interface for New Outlook that it says is more in line with Windows 11 and AI and handles email, calendars and contacts better. One of the specific benefits is they claim is the use of AI to help you write better emails, but you can turn off the autofill. They also claim New Outlook can let you access your emails – including Gmail, Yahoo, and even your “shopping account” – from one spot on every Windows device. And you can organize your appointments, share availability and events with a click, and ensure time for important people and events.

However, Microsoft took away a number of key functions that they may or may not restore. These include features involving multiple mailbox accounts and ways in which accounts can be shared from SharePoint. Some “take-aways” are scheduled to be restored, and some are still under investigation. The company says it’s looking for user feedback in deciding what to restore and when that might happen.

Quite honestly, we think this hurts Microsoft’s credibility, but it also shows where all major software companies are headed. They will make changes seemingly on a whim without regard to how those changes affect our ability to maximize our production. Features might come back – or they might not.

Together, we need to be flexible in how we use software such as Outlook, but on the other hand, we can force the issue somewhat. We can look specifically at how you use Outlook and determine what Classic features we may be able to recapture some things that were lost or help you find ways to make better use of New Outlook.

As much as we might yearn for the “good old days” of apps like Classic Outlook, it’s likely we’ll all be using New Outlook sooner rather than later. So, let’s get a head start on adapting to it. Call us – 973-433-66765 – or email us to see how you can bridge the Classic and the New to make Outlook work better for you.


