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Convert your AOL Username to an Apple ID

If you use an AOL Username to sign in to the iTunes Store, App Store or iBooks Store, you must convert to an Apple ID before March 31, 2015. Starting that day, AOL will no longer allow customers to use their AOL Usernames (also known as an AOL Screen Name) to sign in. Without converting to an Apple ID, you’ll lose access to the stores and any content you may have already purchased.

To convert your AOL Username to an Apple ID, sign in to iTunes on a Mac or PC with your AOL Username. Then follow the on-screen instructions. To sign in:

  1. Open iTunes on your Mac or PC. Make sure that you have the latest version.
  2. If you’re signed in with a different username, choose Store > Sign Out from the menu bar.
  3. Then choose Store > Sign In.
  4. Enter your AOL Username and password, and then click Sign In.
  5. Create an Apple ID

When you convert your AOL Username to an Apple ID, you might not be able to convert it to one that ends in if you have used your AOL email address to create a separate Apple ID.

Your new Apple ID will maintain your access to the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store, as well as all of the content you bought using your AOL Username. You can also use your Apple ID with iCloud and other Apple services.

As of March 31, Apple can’t provide support for AOL Username accounts that aren’t converted. The conversion process applies only to AOL Usernames. You don’t need to convert an Apple ID that ends in Also, this transition doesn’t affect any AOL services that you use with your AOL Username.

If you already created an Apple ID using your AOL email address, you might have purchases (such as music, movies, TV shows, or apps) associated with both your AOL Username account and your Apple ID.

You still need to convert your AOL Username account into a new Apple ID, so you don’t lose access to the content you already purchased with that account. You must provide a different, non-AOL email address to use as your new Apple ID during the conversion process. You won’t be able to combine the two accounts or their purchases.

If you run into any problems or have any concerns about converting your AOL username to an Apple ID, call us – 973-433-6676 – or email us. We can walk you through the process.




