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Dumpster Diving – Email Style

We get overloaded with email and tend to let it just sit in our inboxes. When you max out your storage space, which is the equivalent of an electronic dumpster, you can create problems that are time-consuming and costly to fix.

Email overload became a vexing problem for a client who had 160,000 messages in their inbox, which Outlook limits to 50 GB. They wanted to delete some messages and keep some, but there were just too many messages to go through individually.

We decided the most practical course of action would be to delete all the messages except for those from the last three months. But that solution created other problems. There are limits on how much email you can simply delete. There’s also an issue of how Outlook handles deleted files: they just don’t go to an electronic landfill. They can go to recoverable folders, where they stay for 30 days before going to the “landfill.”

You can delete a large number of files by going to your Outlook online instead of your Outlook mail client. That’s what we had to do, but the process took hours. You can prevent the problem by just paying more attention to your inbox management. Try some of these measures:

  • Delete unwanted/unneeded email as you go. New Outlook’s default lists your messages on the left, and the preview pane on the right shows you the content. As long as you don’t open the email, it won’t harm your system. You can simply click on the trash can in the list to delete the message.
  • Set up subfolders within each account. Within each account, you can set up subfolders and drag-and-drop file messages there. That keeps them out of the dumpster.
  • Empty deleted emails on a regular basis. Whether you do it daily, weekly or biweekly, empty your deleted emails as a routine task. If you have Outlook on your mobile devices, you can delete unnecessary emails without needing your computer. I make deleting emails from my phone a regular task while traveling.

If you need to empty an electronic dumpster, we can help you set up and manage the process. If you need to institute a system to manage email across multiple accounts and users, we can help you determine rules that meet your needs and implement a program. Call us – 973-433-6676 – or email us to talk about it.


